MCEDC Celebrates Global Diversity in Montgomery County During Economic Development Week (May 6-10)

For Immediate Release:
May 7, 2024

Michael Mitchell, Vice President, Marketing & Communications

Raven Padgett, Senior Manager, Communications

Montgomery County, Md. — The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is celebrating Economic Development Week (EDW), May 6-10, by placing a spotlight on Montgomery County’s vibrant and diverse business community and the significant economic contributions they make to the county.

“Montgomery County is one of the most unique and diverse business communities in the country, and because of this — and the county’s well-established ecosystem — leading global businesses choose to locate their headquarters here. We are also home to local companies that have expanded into global powerhouses. We celebrate their contributions to help position Montgomery County as the premier place to do business,” said MCEDC’s President and CEO Bill Tompkins.

Started in 2016 by the International Economic Development Council, Economic Development Week is a global initiative to recognize how economic development transforms lives in communities around the world. More than 100,000 economic development professionals worldwide are committed to creating, retaining and expanding opportunities that facilitate long-term, equitable community growth. The impact of their work casts a wide net, including job creation and retention, increased tax revenue, thriving neighborhoods and overall improved quality of life.

During Economic Development Week, follow MCEDC’s social platforms — LinkedIn, X and Facebook — and visit here for business spotlights and video interviews with diverse companies in Montgomery County.


À propos de la société de développement économique du comté de Montgomery (MCEDC) 

La Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC ) est l'organisme officiel de développement économique public-privé représentant le comté de Montgomery, dans le Maryland. Créée en 2015, MCEDC est dirigée par un conseil d'administration composé de dirigeants d'entreprises. Sa mission est d'aider les entreprises à démarrer, à se développer et à se relocaliser dans le comté de Montgomery en les aidant à accéder aux meilleurs talents, aux informations commerciales et de marché et à des emplacements de choix. Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site web. Suivez-nous sur Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn.